
Sick of Big Tech and Billionaires?


Would you hand your unlocked phone/computer to a stranger with access to all your accounts and say “go wild, do whatever you like!”?

I don’t think so, but that is effectively what we are doing everyday.

Did you ever feel like your life would be easier if you didn’t have to use a computer?

Do you feel uncomfortable when you think about how invasive technology companies are into your personal and private life?

A deconstructed computer on a white background

Do you feel slightly sick at the thought of people you don’t know reading your messages, looking at you photos and analysing every thing you do to the point they can predict your next thought or action?

Me too.

This website is about learning how to use a computer in a way so that we can use them to accomplish the things we want in life.

It is about using computers instead of being used by computers.

Computers are tools that can be used to make our lives easier and save time so that we have more of it to do the things we want to in life.

The internet is an incredible tool to connect us, share ideas, communicate with each other and learn.

They are the most incredible inventions of human history.

So, why doesn’t it feel like it?

We know why, don’t we?

And we will explore more of that as this website grows.

But the reason things continue the way they do is because we feel there is no other alternative, that it is just the way it is. But it is not true. There are other ways.

We can reclaim back control, we can reap the benefits of the digital age and we can build things together that have real value and enrich our lives. We can do this by cutting out the middlemen of the Big Tech industry.

Big Tech relies on us taking the easy road every single time. However, if we make a little effort each day, we reduce their control and manipulation over us and we can do the things we choose to do instead of having things chosen for us.

What does that effort look like? Learning.

This website is about the process of learning how to use a computer so Big Tech can’t use me.

Ultimately that translates to learning about:

  • Linux
  • Open-source software
  • Computer programming
  • Coding
  • Workflows

It will also include my thoughts, experiences and resources on these topics as well as opinions on the economics and philosophy of the Gig economy and Artificial Intelligence.

You do not need to “like or subscribe” (Welcome to a world without Big Tech), just let me know if this helps you in some way and I will keep going.