This is an accident but a worthwhile one.

I do not know anything about computers. I loathed them for a long time and I loathed the tech industry too.

I loathed computers because I always struggled to get them to do what I wanted them to do. I felt like I worked for the computer when the computer was supposed to work for me. (Trying to set an image and text where I wanted them in Microsoft Word was a classic example).

I loathed the tech industry because…actually, I still loathe the tech industry. When I think about what it could have been compared to what it is, I become very disillusioned. I took great pleasure in reading Kara Swisher’s Burn Book, as it confirmed and crystalised a lot of my internal feelings and suspicions of the tech industry. And who doesn’t like a bit of confirmation bias?

Big Tech’s fake, orchestrated veneer of perfection and idealism masking its hollowness and lack of substance irritates me. All the problems it could solve but it doesn’t because it is a beast that only searches to monetise. If it can’t monetise it moves elsewhere leaving everything else behind.

Big Tech is about control, power and influence. It turns human life into data sets and statistics and it soaks the value out of everything that it is good in the world, everything that is good in humanity and it spits out puerile, reductive and grotesque content and advertising in return.

Big Tech labels its customers as consumers but in reality the technology companies themselves are the consumers. They consume the peoples hearts, minds and time. Relentlessly and unrepentantly.

To them, everything is either a 1 or a 0. If it is not a 1 or a 0 it is ignored, discarded or used-up.

In a world of nuance, chaos and infinite variety most things are in fact non-binary. So most things get ignored, discarded or used-up by them.

The tech industry disgusts me and computers seemed to make my life difficult so I stayed away from them both.

So, why am I here writing a blog about the wonders of computers, their power, capabilities, possibilities and my fascination with them? Let’s take a look at why TZUTIL Might Have Changed My Life