First of all, THANK YOU for visiting my site. It really means a lot to me!
If you take the time to read through about section you will understand why. You can start at the first post and it will give you a nice story arc of how this began or you can jump straight to the Why I Started To Learn How To Use A Computer post to get the gist instantly. I recommend you relax and take your time to enjoy the full story.
Of course I would say that, wouldn’t I?
Perhaps! But I am not suggesting it for the reasons you may be thinking (or at least subconsciously acknowledging).
This blog is about taking ownership of the technology we use and ultimately freeing ourselves from Big Tech’s incessant manipulation and control tactics to steal wealth, culture, social cohesion and privacy from us all on a daily basis with sole purpose to increase shareholder “value”.
Some of the many negative results of the Big Tech industry are that it has destroyed our attention span, instilled a sense of urgency, anxiety and FOMO that means many of us rarely take the time to enjoy things to their fullest and reap the full benefits.
Big Tech is robbing us of the richness of life.
So, that is reason why I urge you to relax and read the blog from the first post. To take back control of your time and do the things that enrich and fulfil you, to work in slow time.
This blog is about me taking back control of my own digital life, minimising my use of any big tech products or services (as much as possible), embracing the community of open-source software and adding to a good internet rather than a dead internet.
I really am a noob. This blog is about the things I discover as I teach myself and learn along the way.
I hope as I learn it will inspire others to take back control of their own digital lives and discover, as I did, something that is hiding in plain sight.
Computers are powerful and incredible inventions that can really change our life for the better. And they are incredibly fun.