
What is WordPress and who is Matt Mullenweg?

I had planned on doing a well researched and in-depth piece about this topic. Considering I am against Big Tech and pro Open-Source this is a really interesting news story and it is going to develop over the next years. There is a lot at stake with over 40% of all websites built on WordPress. The crazy thing is that in this case the Open-Source team player, Matt Mullenweg , has gone complete super villain in this story and is actually making the Venture Capitalists look good.

Notes on skill issues [dot] tech and the CLI

This website is intentionally minimal. I will include some images from time to time to break up the text and add value but that’s it. The world wide web is intent on shouting and screaming in your face, fighting for your attention in order to manipulate you in a way to fulfil the needs of someone else, normally a corporation. It is never to meet your needs and never for your interests.