Module 2: FreshRSS Deployment#

Overview This module covers the deployment of FreshRSS using Docker containers. Following Module 1’s environment setup, we now create and configure our RSS reader container, making it accessible through a web browser.


  • Completed Module 0 (Project Initialisation)
  • Completed Module 1 (Environment Setup)
  • WSL 2 running with Docker Desktop properly configured
  • Project directory structure in place

Creating the Container Configuration Navigate to your docker configuration directory:

cd rss-learning-project/docker-config

Create the necessary directories for FreshRSS:

mkdir -p freshrss/data
mkdir -p freshrss/extensions

The -p flag serves two purposes:

  • Creates parent directories if they don’t exist
  • Prevents errors if directories already exist

These directories are crucial for:

  • data/: Storing RSS feed configurations, user settings, and database
  • extensions/: Housing additional FreshRSS features and capabilities

Docker Compose Configuration Create and configure the docker-compose.yml file:

touch docker-compose.yml

Add the following configuration:

    image: freshrss/freshrss:latest
    container_name: freshrss
      - "8080:80"
      - ./freshrss/data:/var/www/FreshRSS/data
      - ./freshrss/extensions:/var/www/FreshRSS/extensions
      - TZ=Europe/London
    restart: unless-stopped

Understanding the Configuration Each element in the configuration serves a specific purpose:

  • services: Defines the containers we want to run
  • freshrss: Names our service
  • image: Specifies the Docker image to use
  • container_name: Sets a friendly name for the container
  • ports: Maps container port 80 to host port 8080
  • volumes: Creates persistent storage for data and extensions
  • environment: Sets container environment variables
  • restart: Defines container restart behaviour

YAML Formatting YAML files require precise indentation:

  • Each nesting level uses 2 spaces
  • All items at the same level must align
  • Lists (like under volumes) need consistent indentation
  • Incorrect indentation will cause Docker Compose errors

Deploying the Container Launch the container in detached mode:

docker compose up -d

Verify the container is running:

docker ps

Accessing FreshRSS Once the container is running:

  1. Open a web browser
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8080
  3. You should see the FreshRSS installation page

Container Management Basic Docker commands for managing your container:

# Stop the container
docker compose stop

# Start the container
docker compose start

# View container logs
docker compose logs

# Restart the container
docker compose restart

Success Criteria

  • Docker Compose file correctly configured
  • Container running without errors
  • FreshRSS accessible via web browser
  • Persistent storage directories created
  • Container automatically restarts after system reboot

Common Issues and Solutions

  • If the container won’t start, check Docker Desktop is running
  • If you can’t access FreshRSS, verify port 8080 isn’t in use
  • For permission errors, check directory ownership
  • For configuration errors, verify YAML indentation

Next Steps After completing this module:

  1. Verify container is running properly
  2. Test container persistence by restarting Docker
  3. Familiarise yourself with basic Docker commands
  4. Prepare for Module 3: Feed Configuration


  • Keep Docker Compose file backed up
  • Monitor container logs for issues
  • Consider documenting any customisations made
  • Remember container security will be addressed in Module 4