Module 4: Remote Access Setup - Part 2#

Why Move to the Cloud? Moving your FreshRSS instance to the cloud provides several benefits:

  • Access your feeds from anywhere without keeping your local machine running
  • Consistent feed updates even when your computer is off
  • Better reliability with professional hosting infrastructure
  • Easier mobile access without VPN or port forwarding
  • Regular automated backups

Understanding the /opt Directory Before we begin, it’s important to understand where we’ll install FreshRSS:

  • /opt is the standard Linux directory for “optional” or third-party software
  • Separates additional software from system files (/bin, /usr, /etc)
  • Makes backups and maintenance cleaner and more organized
  • Follows Linux filesystem hierarchy standards
  • Commonly used for self-contained applications

Firewall Configuration First, we secure the server while ensuring FreshRSS remains accessible:

# Install UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ufw

# Set default policies
sudo ufw default deny incoming    # Block all incoming traffic by default
sudo ufw default allow outgoing   # Allow all outgoing traffic by default

# Allow SSH (port 22)
sudo ufw allow ssh

Understanding the flags and commands:

  • sudo: SuperUser DO - Executes command with administrative privileges
  • apt update: Refreshes package list from repositories
  • ufw allow ssh: Creates rule to allow SSH traffic
  • default deny/allow: Sets baseline security policy

Why These Firewall Rules?

  • Default deny incoming: Blocks potential attacks by limiting access
  • Default allow outgoing: Lets your server fetch RSS feeds and updates
  • Allow SSH: Maintains your ability to manage the server
  • We’ll add HTTP/HTTPS rules after Docker setup

Docker Installation Since we’re migrating an existing setup, we need Docker on the cloud server:

# Remove potential conflicting packages
sudo apt remove docker docker-engine containerd runc

# Install prerequisites
sudo apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg

# Add Docker's GPG key for package verification
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

# Add the Docker repository to apt sources 

echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

# Update apt package list with the new repository 

sudo apt-get update 

# Install Docker packages 

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin

Understanding the flags:

  • -m 0755: Sets directory permissions (owner can write, everyone can read/execute)
  • -d: Creates directory if it doesn’t exist
  • -fsSL:
    • f: Fail silently on errors
    • s: Silent mode
    • S: Show error if fails
    • L: Follow redirects

Migrating Your FreshRSS Data Now we’ll transfer your existing setup:

# On your local machine, create a backup of your FreshRSS data
cd ~/rss-learning-project/docker-config
tar -czf freshrss-backup.tar.gz freshrss/

# Copy to cloud server using SCP (Secure Copy)
scp -i ~/.ssh/freshrss-key freshrss-backup.tar.gz username@your-server-ip:/home/username/

Understanding tar flags:

  • -c: Create archive
  • -z: Compress with gzip
  • -f: Specify filename

SCP flags:

  • -i: Identity file (your SSH key)

On the Cloud Server Extract and set up your migrated data:

# Create the destination directory
mkdir -p /opt/freshrss

# Set appropriate ownership
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/freshrss

# Extract backup
cd ~
tar -xzf freshrss-backup.tar.gz -C /opt/freshrss

Understanding tar flags:

  • -x: Extract archive
  • -C: Change to directory before extracting

Docker Compose Configuration Create and edit the configuration file:

# Open docker-compose.yml in nvim
nvim /opt/freshrss/docker-compose.yml

In nvim:

  1. Press i to enter insert mode
  2. Paste the following configuration:
    image: freshrss/freshrss:latest
    container_name: freshrss
      - "80:80"
      - ./freshrss/data:/var/www/FreshRSS/data
      - ./freshrss/extensions:/var/www/FreshRSS/extensions
      - TZ=Europe/London
      - CRON_MIN=*/15
      - FRESHRSS_BASE_URL=http://your-server-ip
    restart: unless-stopped
  1. Press Esc to exit insert mode
  2. Type :wq and press Enter to save and quit

Understanding nvim commands:

  • i: Enter insert mode for typing/pasting
  • Esc: Return to command mode
  • :w: Write (save) the file
  • :q: Quit nvim
  • :wq: Combine write and quit
  • :q!: Quit without saving (if you make a mistake)

Why These Docker Settings?

  • ports: "80:80": Makes FreshRSS accessible via standard HTTP port
  • volumes: Maintains your existing configuration and data
  • CRON_MIN=*/15: Updates feeds every 15 minutes
  • restart: unless-stopped: Ensures service stays running

Final Firewall Configuration Now allow HTTP access:

# Allow web traffic
sudo ufw allow http
sudo ufw enable

# Verify rules
sudo ufw status

Starting Your Migrated Service

cd /opt/freshrss
sudo docker compose up -d

# Verify it's running
sudo docker ps
sudo docker logs freshrss

Docker compose flags:

  • -d: Detached mode (runs in background)

Testing Access

  1. Open your browser
  2. Navigate to http://your-server-ip
  3. Verify your feeds and settings are present
  4. Test feed updates and full article fetching

Backup Script Creation Create a backup script using nvim:

nvim /opt/freshrss/

In nvim, enter insert mode with i and add:

DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)

# Create backup directory
mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR

# Backup FreshRSS data
tar -czf $BACKUP_DIR/freshrss-$DATE.tar.gz /opt/freshrss/freshrss/data

# Remove backups older than 7 days
find $BACKUP_DIR -type f -mtime +7 -delete

Save and exit with Esc followed by :wq

Make it executable and schedule:

sudo chmod +x /opt/freshrss/

# Edit crontab with nvim
EDITOR=nvim crontab -e

Add this line in nvim:

0 2 * * * /opt/freshrss/

Understanding permissions:

  • chmod +x: Makes file executable
  • crontab -e: Edit scheduled tasks

Why This Backup Strategy?

  • Daily backups ensure minimal data loss
  • Running at 2 AM minimizes impact
  • Keeping 7 days of backups balances storage and safety
  • Automated process ensures consistency

Next Steps After successfully migrating:

  1. Monitor logs for any issues
  2. Test access from different devices
  3. Consider setting up HTTPS for security
  4. Document your cloud server details securely